Former Fife Judo player starts private security company

Levi Kelly
Levi Kelly

Former Fife Judo player Levi Kelly announced he had started a new business in the security sector 

Business man Levi Kelly who owns a string of enterprises announced his latest venture in to the security industry on instagram on sunday night.

Kelly told us he played Judo for 6 years before taking a rest and getting a job in hospitality as a chef, He currently works at The Larachmhor tavern in Pittenweem.

When we asked him why he picked the security sector he told us “The world is getting more dangerous by the day but it doesn’t scare me i enjoyed Judo its a sport that teaches you self control”. 

(Not all bright)

Kelly told us he has spent time on remand in HMYOI Polmont but learnt from his mistakes and is trying to change he said “I’m not trying to jump on the scene and act the big man i am just trying to make a bit of money to put aside for the future while doing something I enjoy”.



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